Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Charley plays, I commentate on the Wii edition of this GameCube hit shooter.

(From Wikipedia)

Resident Evil 4, known in Japan as Biohazard 4 (バイオハザード4), is a survival horror third-person shooter video game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by multiple publishers, including Capcom, Ubisoft, Nintendo Australia, Red Ant Enterprises and most recently in Australia, THQ Asia Pacific. It is the sixth game in the Resident Evil series. The game was originally released on January 11, 2005 in North America, and on January 27 in Japan.

The player controls Leon S. Kennedy from a third-person, over-the-shoulder perspective during a mission to rescue the daughter of the President of the United States, Ashley Graham. The gameplay focuses on action and shootouts involving crowds of enemies in large open areas. The camera is focused behind Leon, and it zooms in for an over-the-shoulder view when aiming a weapon. The addition of a laser sight adds a new depth to the aiming, allowing the player to aim in various directions and easily change their placement at any time. Bullets now affect the enemies specifically where they are shot: shots to the feet can cause enemies to stumble, while shots to the arms can cause them to drop their weapons.

Resident Evil 4 is regarded as one of the most influential games of the 2000s decade, due to its influence in redefining at least two video game genres: the survival horror and the third-person shooter. It helped redefine the third-person shooter genre by introducing a “reliance on offset camera angles that fail to obscure the action.” A number of third-person shooters were inspired by it, most notably Gears of War. The “over the shoulder” viewpoint introduced in Resident Evil 4 has now become standard in third-person shooters, including titles ranging from Gears of War to Batman: Arkham Asylum.

-Part 1 – Exposition-
-Part 2 – BEER STEIN-
-Part 4 – Something FISHY-
-Part 5 – A Church and a Lake-
-Part 6 – Del Lago-
-Part 7 – El Gigante!-

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